Closed on Friday, November 24th.

Learning Center

Welcome to our

Learning Center

Our team has created this hub of training videos and helpful articles to better help you and your pets.

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Healthy Mouth, Healthy Pet!

Imagine if you never brushed your teeth or had them cleaned. Pretty scary, right? As you can guess, things would eventually start to go very, very bad inside your mouth...Read More

Take 10 With Your Furry Friend

Take 10 With Your Furry Friend

Being isolated is hard on all of us, including our pets. But if there's one thing we know about our ASVC family, it's that you've got this. We've already seen our community… Read more

Protect Your Pet From Household Poisons

Protect Your Pet From Household Poisons

National Poison Prevention Week, which was enacted by Congress in 1961, always occurs on the third week in March. This year for 2020, it falls from March 15th to March 21st. But… Read more

8 Common Myths About Pets and Heartworm Disease

8 Common Myths About Pets and Heartworm Disease

Many myths and misconceptions about heartworm disease in pets make knowing what is true or false a challenge. Fortunately, your veterinarian is a reliable resource when you have questions about… Read more

Solving Skin Allergies: Why is Your Pet So Itchy?

Solving Skin Allergies: Why is Your Pet So Itchy?

What is an allergy? Like people, pets can develop irritating allergies. However, pets’ allergies seldom manifest as the classic hay fever signs seen in people, but rather as itching, scratching,… Read more

Top 10 Fourth of July Safety Tips for Your Pet

Top 10 Fourth of July Safety Tips for Your Pet

Spectacular fireworks displays, backyard barbecues, and basking at the beach are perfect ways to celebrate our nation’s birth. All these festivities are fun for people, but can be frightening and… Read more

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